

Updating our New Website - Photographers, Digital Artists, Writers Wanted!


Our new website gets better and better with the more information we feed it. We are currently working on many areas of the website, so please let us know if you are interested in helping out!

We can always use help from people who like to write, people who like to take photos, videos or just like entering data. If you have a talent in a program like Photoshop or Illustrator and want some real experience on a professional website, please let us know. Let's get it done together! Many times this work can be done from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Areas of need for Volunteer help include:

- District News Stories
- News Story Photos
- Posting District Events
- Covering District Events (photos or video)
- Graphic Messaging (photoshop work)
- Business & Property Data
- Business & Property Photography

Please click here to contact JHMS if you are interested! Step Up to Action. Step Up to Jackson Hill!